É mais frequente nas mulheres, negros e ginastas de competição(sobretudo mulheres).É uma deformidade bem tolerada, mas que ás vezes provoca dores e alteração devido á ruptura dos istmo(parte anterior da vértebra), em razão de pressões mecânicas.
Essa malformação, que é chamada de espondilólise, atinge preferencialmente a vértebra L5.
Hipercifose:"Costas redondas". Na hipercifose torácica, ou "costas arredondadas", a coluna vertebral se torna convexa na parte de trás-e de forma anormal.
Essa deformidade atinge sobretudo homens e é nitidamente hereditária.
Na criança e adolescente, decorre de maus hábitos posturais, mas também pode estar relacionada a uma doença de crescimento das vértebras dorsais, a doença de SCHEUEMANN.
Já nos idosos, tem a ver com as compressões vertebrais ou com o envelhecimento dos discos intervertebrais.
É indolor por muito tempo, embora esteticamente cause incômodo.Com o tempo, porém,pode se agravar e se tornar dolorosa.
Por isso, quando a hipercifose pronunciada é percebida no adolescente, provavelmente o tratamento da correção exija o uso de colete ortopédico.com ele, o osso pode se modelar e a hipercifose diminuir.
Alongamentos específicos passivos e ativos e massagem terapêutica apropriada são indicadas . O tratamento é um pouco demorado, em média de 10 sessões de massagens e alongamentos intensos 2 vezes por semana, pois o corpo precisa de um intervalo entre uma sessão e outra para se adaptar a sua nova posição, quer dizer, a sua posição original. Mas na 5ª sessão já dá para ver um grande resultado .As massagens e alongamentos são feitos na maca e no tatami ou colchonete no chão. A duração de cada sessão geralmente são mais de 60 minutos.
FONTE:Dor nas costas-Dr. Phillippe Gidon, ed. Larousse.
Hyperlordosis: "Kidneys bent." This is an exaggerated curve. Lordosis is abnormal curvature of the spine, front, in particular lumbar level, thus forming an excessive bending of the kidneys.
It is more common in women, blacks and gymnastics competition (mostly women). Deformity is well tolerated but sometimes causes pain, and change due to rupture of the isthmus (anterior part of the vertebra), due to mechanical pressure.This malformation, which is called spondylolysis, primarily affects the L5 vertebra.
Hyperkyphosis: "Back Round". In the thoracic kyphosis, or "round back", the spine becomes convex on the back-and abnormally.This deformity affects mostly men and is clearly hereditary.In children and adolescents, the result of bad posture habits, but also may be related to a disease of growth of the dorsal vertebrae, the disease SCHEUEMANN.
In young adults, is due to inflammatory diseases of the spine, the spondyloarthropathies.Already in the elderly, has to do with vertebral compressions or with aging of the intervertebral discs.It's painless for long, though aesthetically cause incômodo.Com time, however, may worsen and become painful.Therefore, when pronounced kyphosis is seen in adolescents, probably the correct treatment requires the use of ortopédico.com collect it, the bone can be modeled and decrease hyperkyphosis.
Specific passive and active stretching and massage therapy are given appropriate. The treatment is a little slow, an average of 10 sessions of massage and stretching intense two times a week, because the body needs a break between exercise sessions to adapt to his new position, that is, its original position. But at the 5th session you can already see a great result.The massage and stretching exercises are done on the table and tatami mat or the floor.The duration of each session are generally over 60 minutes.SOURCE: Back pain-Dr. Phillippe Gidon, ed. Larousse.http://www.clinicademassagem.net.br
It is more common in women, blacks and gymnastics competition (mostly women). Deformity is well tolerated but sometimes causes pain, and change due to rupture of the isthmus (anterior part of the vertebra), due to mechanical pressure.This malformation, which is called spondylolysis, primarily affects the L5 vertebra.
Hyperkyphosis: "Back Round". In the thoracic kyphosis, or "round back", the spine becomes convex on the back-and abnormally.This deformity affects mostly men and is clearly hereditary.In children and adolescents, the result of bad posture habits, but also may be related to a disease of growth of the dorsal vertebrae, the disease SCHEUEMANN.
In young adults, is due to inflammatory diseases of the spine, the spondyloarthropathies.Already in the elderly, has to do with vertebral compressions or with aging of the intervertebral discs.It's painless for long, though aesthetically cause incômodo.Com time, however, may worsen and become painful.Therefore, when pronounced kyphosis is seen in adolescents, probably the correct treatment requires the use of ortopédico.com collect it, the bone can be modeled and decrease hyperkyphosis.
Specific passive and active stretching and massage therapy are given appropriate. The treatment is a little slow, an average of 10 sessions of massage and stretching intense two times a week, because the body needs a break between exercise sessions to adapt to his new position, that is, its original position. But at the 5th session you can already see a great result.The massage and stretching exercises are done on the table and tatami mat or the floor.The duration of each session are generally over 60 minutes.SOURCE: Back pain-Dr. Phillippe Gidon, ed. Larousse.http://www.clinicademassagem.net.br
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